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The "Carfax for SMBs" that gives business brokers super powers

Automate how you gather and process seller financials to streamline onboarding and sell at higher rates
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Quickly learn if the financials are wrong


Don’t just take a seller’s word for it, feel confident with verified financials.


Save time with AI powered Confidential Information Memorandums (CIMS).

Analyzes Seller Readiness

Receive an objective score evaluating a seller's readiness to engage in a sale.

Brings Qualified Leads

With the Flagstone seal of approval, buyers are prepared to take the plunge.

Want to see what Flagstone can do for your business?
Schedule a Demo

Streamlines the listing process 

Gathers data directly from Quickbooks
Calculates SDE and keeps it current
Generates instant Estimate of Value

Checks the numbers automatically

Compares Quickbooks with bank transactions 
Reconciles cash movements to revenue and profit
Finds issues before buyers do

Sell businesses at higher rates

Show numbers that buyers will trust
Make your deals truly stand out
Accelerate your buyer’s diligence
Schedule a Demo

How it works

1. Invite client to their deal page

2. Connect your Quickbooks

3. Validate the P&L by comparing to bank accounts

4. Enter add-backs to calculate the seller’s earnings

5. Review the Estimate of Value

6. Get financials and grades to use in the CIM 

Credit card mockups
1. Invite client
to their deal

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2. Connect

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3. Validate the P&L by comparing to bank accounts

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4. Enter add-backs to calculate the seller’s earnings

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5. Review the Estimate of

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6. Get financials and grades to use in the CIM 

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"My biggest challenge is getting sellers to share financials. It’s so much easier with Flagstone. As well as the financial statements, I get all the reports from Quickbooks, nearly instantly."
Author Name
Experienced broker, Central Florida
"In the past, I had a seller who was double-counting a large expense. We didn't find the problem until we hand-matched his expenses with his bank account. Flagstone finds that type of thing instantly."
Author Name
Experienced broker, North Florida
“When we ran Flagstone, we instantly realized that there were massive gaps in the seller’s Quickbooks. The accounts were useless. Instead, we used Flagstone to create a cash P&L.” 
Author Name
Experienced broker, North Georgia
“Flagstone is solving the biggest problem in our industry. I want to be confident in the financials of the businesses that I sell, but it’s a huge amount of effort. They make it easy.”  
Experienced broker, South Georgia
Author Name

Key Features

  • Follows up with owners for data
  • Ties add-backs to line items in the P&L
  • Extracts general ledger and all reports
  • Updates with latest data automatically
  • Option for cash-based P&L
  • Automatically calculates EBITDA
  • Instant estimate of value
  • Collects data from multiple bank accounts
  • Validates the P&L
  • Grades owner's readiness-to-sell
Learn More About the Product

Key Features

Automation gives brokers superpowers

   Holds owners accountable
   Automatically calculates EBITDA
   Tie add-backs to line items in the P&L
   Instant valuation multiples
   Quickbooks data book
   Connect multiple bank and credit card accounts
   Automated proof-of-cash
   Cash P&L 
   Data updates automatically
   General ledger and bank transactions
   Flagstone grades


Are owners comfortable sharing their data via Flagstone? 

Many owners are comfortable sharing their data. Flagstone’s software offers a secure, efficient way for owners to provide data that will be required for a sale. Flagstone is a secure intermediary that allows owners to share data without giving brokers direct access to the underlying systems.

Is the owner's data secure and kept confidential?

Yes, the owner’s data is secure and kept confidential. Flagstone uses industry standard security to protect the owner’s information. Our platform has been assessed by a penetration testing firm, who found no issues with our security. Our platform also meets the criteria established for receiving data, via Plaid, from the largest US banks. The owner is able to revoke access to their data at any time, including asking Flagstone to remove access for their broker. 

Who controls who the data and analyses are shared with?

Flagstone’s Terms of Service specify that the business owner both requests the use of their data to create the analyses and then has ownership of the results. It is the owner’s decision to allow their broker and any prospective buyers to have access to their data and their results. If Flagstone’s software is being used by the owner to share access to their data and / or their results, the owner may revoke access at any time. 

What is the value of doing sell-side due diligence? 

The provision of sell-side financial due-diligence is a well established practice in the mid-market to help accelerate deals and attract higher quality bids. Now Flagstone is making sell-side diligence accessible for SMB sellers and their brokers. 

Sell-side due diligence differentiates listings and makes them more attractive to buyers. If an owner includes sell-side diligence in a data room, this can increase the buyer’s confidence in the listing. Buyers may be more likely to bid and may bid at higher prices. Sharing sell-side diligence, as well as the raw data underlying it, can help accelerate due diligence.

Sell-side due diligence can also help business brokers identify issues that may eventually become barriers to completing a sale. Finding these issues early can help brokers either resolve them or avoid spending months on deals that fail to close.

Can I charge my clients for Flagstone?

Yes, you are free to charge clients for the use of Flagstone’s software and any services that you provide around it. If it would be helpful for you, the Flagstone team would be happy to assist with setting up billing for your clients.

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